Street Fighter 6 looks set to be a renaissance for the franchise’s esports community. We already know of huge prize pools coming for the Capcom Cup, and events switching over to the new title. There’s another big tournament set to feature the game though, which is making a comeback after a three-year absence. Fighters Crossover AKIBA, or FCA, is coming back.

Fighters Crossover AKIBA Returns

The new title is set to make the jump into esports pretty much as soon as we reach the Street Fighter 6 release date. The hype behind the title is even leading to a come-back for a much-missed fighting game event, the Fighters Crossover AKIBA or FCA.

The tournament will be organized by Japanese streamer Junichi Kagezawa. Otherwise known as Kagecchi. He’s announced that the Fighters Crossover AKIBA tournament series is coming back! It’ll arrive just as the game releases too. Fighters Crossover AKIBA Returns


The tournament series had previously run for quite a while, only stopping in 2020 due to scheduling problems. The event will return in June 2023 though! There are new tournaments held in multiple locations. It’s not just offline or online. This will be a mix of the two.

There will be offline events in Akihabara, Shibuya, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Kanazawa. There will also be online events which will be held over Battle Hub and Discord. Having a mixture of the two formats will make this an accessible event. As it’s organized by a streamer, it’s also going to be broadcast. Those outside of Japan can still follow along.

The new events are run with Kagecchi alongside Nemo. These events will be starting up as soon as the game releases in June.

There are loads of tournaments worldwide already announced for the title. Fighters Crossover AKIBA is adding another big one for Japan. This looks set to be a huge first year for competitive. It’s always interesting to see how things develop in each country, often with different Street Fighter characters getting more play in one region or another. The FCA tournament might provide a different look at competitive Street Fighter 6 than those on the schedule for the West.