As the world continues to move towards decentralized technology, various industries are developing new ways to innovate using cryptocurrencies and P2E (Play-to-Earn) models.

With P2E games on the rise, Jeff Donnelley, Founder & CEO of MegaFans, gives insight into the current state of P2E and the future of the P2E industry.

Axie Infinity, developed by Sky Mavis, is possibly the most well-known P2E game,

The current State of P2E

Play-to-earn, also known as GameFi, simply allows players to convert their in-game rewards and assets into real money. This has had an enormous impact on the gaming industry. The rapid emergence and evolution of GameFi have significantly impacted the gaming industry in several ways.

The growth of the metaverse and the increasing number of play-to-earn crypto games has also caused the gaming industry to integrate various blockchain technologies. These include DeFi, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), cryptocurrencies, and other blockchain concepts. Through this technology, gamers can now trade in-game assets and characters, earn rewards, and more.

Jeff believes that Play-to-Earn is here to stay, much like casino games, they won’t go away. However, market segments and geographic areas will restrict or ban them, much the way local governments do in various areas around the world.

He adds that “the current state of play-to-earn is nascent and will materialize and morph along with consumer needs and trends. The perpetual market feedback loop is inevitable, and the developers can’t help but meet the needs of the consumers in order to scale and survive.“

The potential of GameFi has also transformed how people think about and interact with blockchain technology and Web 3.0. Several investment firms are now largely interested in participating in P2E projects due to how lucrative the future of GameFi seems.

P2E and Web3

The P2E model has also impacted the concept of Web3 in many ways, as Web3 uses blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to give users ownership over their digital assets. The vision of Web3 is a blockchain-based web that allows users to control and participate in its various communities. It features cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance, DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and NFTs. Which enables users to have a financial stake in many aspects of the internet.

Jeff explains that “Web3 assets such as crypto and NFTs are just a bi-product of a macro trend that impacts all of us. The P2E industry is a native environment for digital assets and will help propel the adoption and growth for these types of in-game currency. He sees the P2E market continuing to adapt and evolve in parallel to these and any other digital currencies that come from the underlying blockchain system.”

The Play-to-Earn model also has long-term benefits as it allows game developers and players to spend money and time on their games. They can do this without worrying about future changes that will affect the underlying blockchain platform. This is why GameFi is an ideal platform for new gaming developers, as it can be automated without requiring centralization.

Key Takeaways

The goal of Web3 is to transform the way people experience being online. It promises to provide a vastly different gaming experience than currently available. However, some companies have already started to face backlash due to the potential risks associated with its development.

Despite the potential advantages of blockchain technology, it has also created new versions of problems related to financial exclusion, privacy, and centralization. Before starting to implement it, companies should thoroughly consider the various risks associated with its development.

Read also: How to make money from cryptocurrency