Fresh Revelations Regarding Anno 117: Ground Conflicts Nearly Verified

# **Anno 117: Pax Romana – Are Ground Battles Finally on the Horizon?**

Ubisoft has kept a lot of information about *Anno 117: Pax Romana* under wraps, but observant fans have started to connect the dots, hinting at a significant shift in gameplay. Historically, the *Anno* series has centered around city construction and naval combat, but recent clips and remarks from developers suggest that the long-expected revival of ground battles may be on the way.

## **The Significance of the Roman Army**

Could a game portraying ancient Rome be devoid of skilled legionnaires? That seems impossible! The Roman army was fundamental to the empire, serving a vital function in both warfare and during peacetime. Nevertheless, Ubisoft has not clearly confirmed the inclusion of land combat in *Anno 117*.

In the previous game, *Anno 1800*, land units were missing, with gameplay entirely devoted to naval battles. However, increasing signs point to *Anno 117* changing this precedent and incorporating land conflicts.

## **Hints from the IGN Fan Fest Gameplay Clips**

At the latest IGN Fan Fest, Ubisoft Mainz’s Game Director, Manuel Reinher, highlighted new gameplay components of *Anno 117*, focusing mainly on the storyline and customizable ship design. Yet, keen observers spotted two significant details that strongly indicate the presence of land battles:

### **1. Presence of Legionnaires**

In a particular scene, the game features Stonehenge, witnessing what appears to be a festival or ritual. Notably, Roman legionnaires are present in the crowd. Some of these soldiers are shown on horseback, positioned around the iconic stone structure, clearly evident in the gameplay footage.

Although this moment seems to be a cutscene rather than an active confrontation, the mere existence of these character models in the game is noteworthy. Ubisoft wouldn’t develop detailed legionnaire models without them having a role in gameplay. Does this suggest players may lead Roman legions into battle?

### **2. References to Walls and Catapults**

Additionally, a significant clue emerged from Reinher’s commentary on modular ships. He mentioned a ship component equipped with a catapult, capable of inflicting damage on ships, towers, and—most importantly—walls.

The reference to walls is crucial since *Anno 1800* did not incorporate land defenses in any significant manner. While defenses in harbors are common, city walls are typically constructed to safeguard against ground threats. If walls become part of *Anno 117*, it strongly points to land battles being a fundamental aspect of the gameplay.

## **Implications for Anno 117**

Ubisoft is slowly unveiling more about *Anno 117*, and although land battles haven’t been officially acknowledged, the supporting evidence is strong. The inclusion of legionnaires and city walls suggests that players might partake in territorial defense and military operations on land, indicating a substantial progression for the *Anno* series.

As we look forward to additional confirmations, one thing is evident: *Anno 117: Pax Romana* is shaping up to be one of the most ambitious titles in the franchise. Stay tuned for more updates as we reveal further insights about this eagerly awaited game!