Diablo 4: The Spiritborn Build Goes Wild – Fresh Configuration Inflicts More Than 1 Quintillion Damage

# Diablo 4: The Spiritborn Class is Achieving Crazy Heights – New Build Inflicts Over 1 Quintillion Damage

Blizzard Entertainment’s *Diablo 4* has introduced numerous formidable classes and builds, yet the recent advances involving the Spiritborn class are reshaping player expectations. Just a week ago, gamers were in awe of damage figures hitting hundreds of trillions, but now, a new build has surfaced, easily crossing the **one quintillion** damage threshold. To put it into perspective, that’s a 1 followed by 18 zeros, an unbelievable number that’s challenging to comprehend within the context of a video game.

## How Is the Build Constructed?

This groundbreaking Spiritborn build is rooted in a previously effective setup that managed to produce up to **235 trillion** damage. At its core, the build focuses on optimizing the advantages offered by the **Tenacious Shield** Paragon node, which delivers considerable defensive and offensive enhancements. However, the true revelatory aspect of this new build lies in the application of a lesser-known feature of the Spiritborn class: **Fell Soothsayer’s Aspect**.

### Fell Soothsayer’s Aspect – The Secret to Quintillion Damage

The **Fell Soothsayer’s Aspect** activates a distinct effect when players deploy an Incarnate skill. It renders all foes in the vicinity vulnerable for five seconds. Upon their demise, these enemies explode, causing **55% of the damage that eliminated them** to be inflicted on other nearby adversaries. This chain reaction of explosions is the foundation of the build’s astonishing damage figures.

As more enemies are defeated, the frequency of explosions increases, and the damage accumulates and transfers to additional foes. This mechanism supports exponential damage escalation in large groups, which is why this build excels in scenarios swarming with enemies.

## The More Enemies, The Better

The primary constraint of this build is its reliance on large enemy groups to unleash its full potential. Given that the damage hinges on generating explosions, it doesn’t excel in single-target engagements, such as boss battles devoid of additional enemies to trigger cascading damage. In the absence of a pack of foes to disperse damage to, the build’s overall damage output takes a noticeable hit.

Nonetheless, in environments rich with enemies, damage can soar into the quintillions. This positions it as one of the most potent Area of Effect (AoE) builds in the game, capable of wiping out whole rooms of adversaries in one explosive chain reaction.

### Rob2628’s Quintillion Damage Build

Diablo connoisseur **Rob2628** recently demonstrated this build’s prowess, revealing its capacity to inflict over **one quintillion damage**. In a video uploaded to his YouTube channel, he details the build’s intricacies and showcases how it achieves such phenomenal damage numbers. Rob even shared a snapshot on social media displaying a damage output of **1,023,131 trillion** (or 1.023 quintillion), which is represented in-game as “T” for trillion, as the game engine reportedly struggles to accurately show quintillion figures.

Rob also highlighted that with specific buffs or the activation of a **Channeling Pylon**, which minimizes cooldowns and boosts resource regeneration, even higher damage thresholds can be reached. This has sparked speculation that under ideal conditions, the build could potentially exceed the one quintillion damage mark.

> *“500,000,000,000,000,000 Damage in Diablo IV – This is the new 1-Shot Spiritborn Build! Another buff or accessing a Channeling Pylon will elevate us above the QUINTILLION damage per hit milestone,”* Rob2628 tweeted.

## The Spiritborn’s Supremacy

Currently, this build stands out as the most potent in *Diablo 4*, though it’s essential to recognize its roots in the **Quill-Volley Spiritborn** build, already celebrated for its incredible damage capabilities. Even when confronted with fewer enemies necessary to trigger the chain reaction, the build maintains impressive performance, allowing it to be a flexible and powerful choice for players.

This build has swiftly become the preferred option for those aiming to maximize their damage potential, eclipsing all other classes and builds in the game. At this time, no other class has managed to rival the immense damage capacity of the Spiritborn, establishing it as the unquestioned ruler of damage in *Diablo 4*.

## What Lies Ahead for Diablo 4?

As the Spiritborn class continually advances, it’s apparent that Blizzard may need to intervene for game balance. While it’s thrilling to witness such elevated damage figures, it also brings forth concerns regarding game equilibrium and the ability of other classes to compete with the Spiritborn’s formidable strength.

Blizzard has a history of implementing changes to ensure that no class becomes excessively dominant.