Star Wars Outlaws: Players with Early Access Encounter Expensive Bug Catastrophe

# Star Wars: Outlaws Early Access Affected by Game-Critical Glitch on PlayStation 5

The eagerly awaited “Star Wars: Outlaws” commenced Early Access on August 27, granting those who pre-ordered the Gold Edition (€109.99) or Ultimate Edition (€129.99) a unique chance to explore the galaxy before the official launch on August 30. Nevertheless, for PlayStation 5 players, enthusiasm swiftly transformed into exasperation as a game-critical glitch drastically hindered their gameplay.

## The Glitch That Halted Players

The problem, which has been extensively discussed within the community, arises post-completion of specific missions, like the “False Flag” mission. Players become trapped in space, unable to land on planets or make any further advancements in the game. This glitch effectively interrupts the adventure, making the game unplayable and leaving users stuck in the infinite expanse of space.

The timing of this glitch raises significant concerns, particularly due to Ubisoft’s substantial marketing efforts for “Star Wars: Outlaws.” The game’s early access was intended as a reward for those who opted for the pricier editions, but instead, it has morphed into a source of frustration and discontent.

## Ubisoft’s Reaction: A Patch with Complications

In light of the community’s backlash, Ubisoft promptly rolled out update 1.000.002 on August 29. This patch aims to fix the glitches that have been affecting the game, including the one that ensnares players in space. However, the solution comes with a considerable downside: players need to delete their existing save file and restart for the patch to take full effect.

As compensation, Ubisoft is providing affected players with a “Trailblazer” trinket and 100 Ubisoft Connect Units, available for in-game rewards. While some players appreciate this gesture, many feel it does not adequately compensate for lost progress and the irritation of having to restart.

## A Paltry Compensation for Lost Early Access

The community’s response has been predominantly negative. Numerous players who pre-ordered the costly editions specifically for early access are now feeling like “negative paid beta testers,” a phrase that has gained popularity on Reddit. The prevailing sentiment is that Ubisoft did not sufficiently test the game prior to making it available to paying customers, resulting in a flawed experience.

A Reddit user encapsulated the irritation by pointing out that the golden rule of “do not pre-order” is more significant than ever. Many players agree that it is wiser to wait until the major bugs are resolved before acquiring a game, particularly for high-profile titles like “Star Wars: Outlaws.”

## Mixed Reactions on Metacritic

The technical difficulties have also affected the game’s standing on Metacritic, where reviews present a varied picture. On the upside, some reviewers have lauded the game’s gripping story, immersive portrayal of the Star Wars universe, and stunning graphics. The characters and open-world design have been noted as strong elements as well.

However, these positives are overshadowed by the technical shortcomings that have beset the game, especially on the PS5. The underdeveloped stealth mechanics and game-breaking glitches have left many players feeling let down, and these issues have been mirrored in the reviews.

## Conclusion: A Troubling Launch for Star Wars: Outlaws

“Star Wars: Outlaws” had the promise to be a highlight in the Star Wars gaming realm, but its Early Access debut has been tainted by considerable technical troubles, particularly on the PlayStation 5. While Ubisoft is making efforts to resolve the issues, the necessity to delete save files and restart has left a bitter taste for numerous players.

As the game officially debuts on August 30, it remains to be seen if Ubisoft can entirely fix the situation and deliver the experience that fans anticipated. In the interim, the community’s dissatisfaction stands as a reminder of the hazards tied to pre-ordering games, particularly when early access is involved.

For the moment, “Star Wars: Outlaws” serves as a cautionary example of how even the most eagerly awaited games can stumble if not thoroughly tested and refined before release.