Following 8 Years of Development, Sony's Latest Major Shooter Experiences a Bumpy Launch on Steam

# Concord: Sony’s Latest Hero Shooter Faces Challenges in Gaining Popularity on Steam

In the constantly shifting domain of online multiplayer games, hero shooters have established a considerable presence. Games like *Overwatch*, *Paladins*, and *Team Fortress 2* have set high standards, delivering players a blend of team-oriented gameplay, distinctive characters, and captivating mechanics. Introducing *Concord*, a fresh competitor in this genre, crafted by Firewalk Studios and distributed by Sony. Despite being in development for eight years, *Concord* has experienced a tumultuous launch, especially on Steam, where it has found it difficult to build a significant player community.

## An Innovative Take on Monetization

A standout feature of *Concord* is its unique monetization strategy. In an industry saturated with Battle Passes, microtransactions, and loot boxes, *Concord* opts for a different approach. Players are required to pay a one-time fee of 40 euros, granting them access to all upcoming content without further charges. On the surface, this appears to be a reasonable offer, particularly for those weary of the relentless urge to spend more in free-to-play titles.

Nonetheless, this model has not struck a chord with a considerable segment of the gaming audience, especially on Steam. The game’s debut on August 23, 2024, recorded a peak of only 697 players, according to statistics from [SteamDB]( Since that time, player numbers have continued to decline, casting doubt on the game’s future sustainability.

## Divided Opinions and Comparisons to Established Games

The overall reception of *Concord* has been far from positive. On Steam, the game has received 387 user reviews, with a 72% positivity rate. While this may appear uplifting, the collective response implies that the game struggles to validate its pricing. Numerous players have likened it to other hero shooters, particularly *Overwatch*, *Paladins*, and *Team Fortress 2*—all of which are free-to-play or provide a more refined experience.

One Steam user, [Ranger](, expressed dissatisfaction, noting, “It’s a blend of *Overwatch*, *Paladins*, and *Team Fortress 2*. All three of these games are free, and you aren’t compelled to play the least likable characters available.” This viewpoint is mirrored by another user, [AibonitoPR](, who stated, “Not worth 40 euros. If this doesn’t shift to Free2Play, it’ll vanish within a month. It’s just another hero shooter.”

The negative comparisons to free-to-play titles are particularly damaging, as they emphasize one of *Concord*’s key obstacles: persuading players to spend money when there are already many quality, free alternatives.

## PlayStation Users Display More Interest, Yet Lack Enthusiasm

While *Concord* has met with challenges on Steam, its performance on PlayStation has been marginally better. According to the [PlayStation Store](, over 8,100 users have rated the game. However, it holds an average rating of only 2.87 out of 5 stars, indicating that even on Sony’s platform, the game has not made a significant impact.

The absence of specific player metrics on PlayStation complicates the assessment of the game’s overall success on the console. However, the tepid reception suggests that *Concord* isn’t meeting the expectations set by its lengthy development process.

## Concerns About Pricing

One prevalent critique of *Concord* is its price point. Many players believe the game does not provide enough content to justify the 40 euro cost. This opinion is particularly pronounced among Steam users, where expectations for free-to-play or budget-friendly games tend to be higher.

As one user, [The_Squarecrow](, summed it up, “It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. There are superior, free alternatives in the hero shooter market. It should be F2P to have a chance. If not, it will fade quickly. In fact, it’s already on life support. That’s unfortunate, because the gameplay is enjoyable, and the soft color palette is quite pleasant.”

This brings to light a central challenge for *Concord*: in an environment crowded with free-to-play hero shooters, persuading players to pre-purchase a game that doesn’t deliver a substantially improved experience is a formidable task.