Dying Light Makes a Strong Comeback – Our Gamescom Evaluation of Dying Light: The Beast

# Dying Light Makes a Thrilling Comeback: Our Gamescom Insights on Dying Light: The Beast

**Kyle Crane returns.** Nearly a decade after the debut of the first *Dying Light*, the series brings back its original hero with *Dying Light: The Beast*. Initially intended as DLC for *Dying Light 2*, Techland’s developers decided to broaden the idea into a standalone experience. The title speaks volumes: *Dying Light: The Beast* appears more formidable than ever— in the best sense.

At Gamescom, we had the chance to connect with the team at Techland, who were excited to present an early mission from their forthcoming zombie adventure. To keep you in the loop, here’s a recap of our experience.

## An Ex-Agent Becomes a Zombie Mutant? Count Us In!

According to *Dying Light* brand leader Tymon Smektala, a span of 13 years has elapsed between *Dying Light 1* and *The Beast*. The developers are keeping the details of Agent Kyle Crane’s journey during this interval a mystery. Nonetheless, one thing is evident: it wasn’t a peaceful era for him. Crane underwent horrifying experiments that mutated him, allowing him to tap into “beast mode” during moments of fury—thus the game’s title. By chance, Crane escaped his imprisonment and is now on a quest for vengeance against those who subjected him to this involuntary gene editing.

This sets the stage for the Gamescom demo of *The Beast*. During the mission, we embark on a quest to track down the ominous “Baron,” who’s believed to be linked to Crane’s predicament. The antagonist has established his base in an abandoned industrial site deep within the woods, but reaching him is far from straightforward.

Our scouting mission kicks off atop the buildings of a neighboring town. The design of the structures draws inspiration from 19th and early 20th-century European architecture. To steer clear of the freaks and zombies below, Crane skillfully maneuvers over rooftops and other barriers, highlighting the game’s iconic parkour mechanics.

## Parkour Thrills, Changing Weather, and Plenty of Carnage

Parkour has been a defining feature of the series since its inception, and it remains integral in *Dying Light: The Beast*. The jumping sequences across street voids appear as fluid and stylish as ever. Alternatively, players can choose to traverse the landscape using a vehicle. In the demo, Crane has a sturdy four-wheel-drive jeep at his disposal, which he appears to have “acquired” from elsewhere. The developers noted that vehicles can incur damage over time and will require refueling, enhancing the game’s realism.

As we approach the city’s outskirts, the urban landscape seamlessly transitions into a richly atmospheric forest. The open world of *Dying Light: The Beast* offers various environments for players to explore. Moreover, the weather in the game shifts dynamically. What begins as a bright sunny day quickly transforms into a torrential downpour. The representation of light and water shows marked improvements from its predecessors, providing a more immersive experience.

The dynamic day and night cycle from previous entries also reappears in *The Beast*, significantly impacting gameplay. During daylight hours, zombies are slow and cumbersome, but at night, they pose a lethal threat. It’s wise to find refuge in a safehouse when night falls.

In our instance, the safehouse had seen better days, so we had to clear out several zombies lurking in the basement before settling in for the night. There are various methods to handle these undead adversaries: you can electrify them, ignite them with flaming oil, or simply smash their heads in with a blunt object. Should you opt for the latter, brace yourself for some gruesome takedowns. Once the zombies are dispatched and the UV lights are reactivated, Crane can finally catch some much-needed rest.

## Time for Rage Mode

The following morning, invigorated and eager for action, we make our way to the Baron’s stronghold. However, the warlord has his entrance heavily guarded, prompting us to take a more stealthy route, executing some impressive parkour moves across the rooftops. If discovered by the guards, we can engage in combat, but the firefights during the demo felt somewhat clumsy, with enemies inflicting minimal damage.

Upon reaching the factory, we discover that the Baron has already made his escape. Not exactly shocking, as one of the zombies appears to have broken free from its enclosure during the Baron’s deranged experiments, resulting in half the base being slaughtered. A scientist informs us that the Baron has been exploring new virus variants, shedding light on the ensuing chaos.

The escaped mutant is a formidable Behemoth, possessing superhuman strength and an extensive health bar.