Control 2 is in development, Remedy Entertainment has confirmed. They have signed an agreement with 505 Games to co-develop and co-publish the sequel to the award-winning title Control.

The game will be available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. It is still in the concept stage and will be built on Remedy’sNorthlight engine. Remedy says they will publish the game on the PC and 505 Games will publish it on consoles.

“We are excited to deepen our cooperation with Remedy and continue the success story of Control together. Since its launch in 2019, Control has sold over 3 million copies,” said Rami and Raffi Galante, co-CEOs of Digital Bros Group/505 Games. “Control is the biggest investment 505 Games has ever made, so it has a special place in our hearts. We are grateful to the whole player community that has made Control such a long-lasting and loved game, and are even more excited to bring out Control 2,” they added.

As stated in the announcement, the game is still in the concept stage and it will be a long time before the developers show any gameplay or reveal features of the game. But you can expect advanced graphics and visuals, higher frame rates, and more.